Sunday, April 24, 2011


This Holiday weekend was especially busy for me.  Lincoln had his 3rd birthday the day before Easter so we had a weekend packed full of birthday/Easter fun.  Of course I have pictures from his trip on the train and his visit to the fire station but I haven't had a chance to go through those yet.  So instead I will leave you with a couple of face pictures that I have fallen in love with.  The first two are my from a photo shoot I did with my niece.  She was not able to go on the train ride with us because she had a soccer game at the same time.  So I did a photo shoot with her and a friend since they had Good Friday off of school.  This one I just love the Audrey Hepburn sort of look she has.

This next one is on the list of my all time favorite pictures.  I just love the raw beauty of it.  She looks so much older than her seven years.

And of course I just can't end without an adorable shot of my birthday boy.  He is forever making crazy faces that make my heart melt.

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