Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Art of Blowing Bubbles

  So this week has been spring break for all the schools in the area.  To me it doesn't mean much since my son is too young to attend school, yet.  But for my sister, who runs a daycare, that means all week she has an over abundance of children to entertain.  So this week I decided to take my camera along.  The kids love having their pictures taken, so I know I can occupy at least an hour of their day.  To make the picture taking a little more fun, I brought with me a pack of bubble gum.  You would be surprised how much entertainment you can get from a pack of bubble gum and a camera.  I soon realized though that all children are not created equal in the talent of blowing bubbles.  Maybe it's natural talent that can't be taught, or maybe it comes with age, or experience.  And so for the next hour or so we were chewing, blowing and popping bubbles.

Breanne just starting to get the gum in bubble blowing mode.

I found out Jacob tends to blow the tiniest bubbles.  But he still makes the girls jealous with those long lashes!

This is the face of my precious child who after me continuously repeating "chew it, do NOT swallow it!" swallowed his gum. 

We saw many different kinds of bubbles that day:

Large Bubbles

Medium Bubbles

Small bubbles.

Sometimes no bubble at all. 

 Sometimes though, we would see the perfect bubble.  That was when all the kids would awe over the bubble and laugh when another child would try and pop it.

Even Jacob blew a few that any kid would be proud of. 

All in all, we had tons of laughs and tons of fun all for the price of a pack of gum.  

1 comment:

  1. These photos are lovely, and so fun! I love the series.

