Monday, April 11, 2011

Babies and Birthdays

So Lincoln's 3rd birthday is fast approaching (eek!).  I can't even believe my little baby is going to be 3!  So as a start to his birthday I always like to do a photo shoot.  He is generally not a fan of getting his picture taken, probably because everytime he turns around I have a camera, so I decided to make the location a little more exciting for him.  I took him down to an old train station where a train sits most of the time.  It did the trick pretty well.  He loved looking at the train and was much more cooperative with the pictures.  After going through them I really fell in love with the black and white versions.  So here is my baby (soon to be 3 year old) Lincoln and a pretty cool train.

How adorable is this one?  I just love how little he looks compared to the train!

This last one is my absolute favorite!  He is such a goof, just like his dad.

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