Monday, April 25, 2011

I Heart Faces Pet Challenge

This week's photo challenge at I Heart Faces is pets.  The picture I chose is of our dog, Jackson.  We found Jackson one day while driving down the road.  When we came upon him he was just sitting in the middle of the road.  So we stopped and he happily wagged his tail and trotted over.  The rest was history really.  He is such a great dog.  He is very loyal, energetic, and great with our son.  He is very eager to please and quickly learns all commands.  We believe that he was destined to be our dog and that is why we came upon him.  So the stray dog sitting in the road turned into the best family dog we could have hoped for. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


This Holiday weekend was especially busy for me.  Lincoln had his 3rd birthday the day before Easter so we had a weekend packed full of birthday/Easter fun.  Of course I have pictures from his trip on the train and his visit to the fire station but I haven't had a chance to go through those yet.  So instead I will leave you with a couple of face pictures that I have fallen in love with.  The first two are my from a photo shoot I did with my niece.  She was not able to go on the train ride with us because she had a soccer game at the same time.  So I did a photo shoot with her and a friend since they had Good Friday off of school.  This one I just love the Audrey Hepburn sort of look she has.

This next one is on the list of my all time favorite pictures.  I just love the raw beauty of it.  She looks so much older than her seven years.

And of course I just can't end without an adorable shot of my birthday boy.  He is forever making crazy faces that make my heart melt.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Heart Faces Wind Challenge

This week at I Heart Faces the Photo Challenge is Wind.  Luckily, our weather has been relatively windy lately so I took my niece and her friend out for a few pictures.  This is my absolute favorite picture from our windy photo shoot.  This little girl has such a natural talent for modeling, I love it.  She is just gorgeous!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Babies and Birthdays

So Lincoln's 3rd birthday is fast approaching (eek!).  I can't even believe my little baby is going to be 3!  So as a start to his birthday I always like to do a photo shoot.  He is generally not a fan of getting his picture taken, probably because everytime he turns around I have a camera, so I decided to make the location a little more exciting for him.  I took him down to an old train station where a train sits most of the time.  It did the trick pretty well.  He loved looking at the train and was much more cooperative with the pictures.  After going through them I really fell in love with the black and white versions.  So here is my baby (soon to be 3 year old) Lincoln and a pretty cool train.

How adorable is this one?  I just love how little he looks compared to the train!

This last one is my absolute favorite!  He is such a goof, just like his dad.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Heart Faces Shadow Challenge

This weeks challenge at I Heart Faces is shadows.  Such an awesome topic, if you don't live in Michigan during the month of April, when the weather is very moody.  So after finding out about the shadows challenge I go through days and days of cloudiness.  So on one of those rainy, cloudy days I had given some of my sisters daycare kids some bubble gum and we took some pictures (The Art of Blowing Bubbles).  That is when it occured to me that adding light might make some of these pictures even more exciting.  And that is how this shadow picture was born.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Art of Blowing Bubbles

  So this week has been spring break for all the schools in the area.  To me it doesn't mean much since my son is too young to attend school, yet.  But for my sister, who runs a daycare, that means all week she has an over abundance of children to entertain.  So this week I decided to take my camera along.  The kids love having their pictures taken, so I know I can occupy at least an hour of their day.  To make the picture taking a little more fun, I brought with me a pack of bubble gum.  You would be surprised how much entertainment you can get from a pack of bubble gum and a camera.  I soon realized though that all children are not created equal in the talent of blowing bubbles.  Maybe it's natural talent that can't be taught, or maybe it comes with age, or experience.  And so for the next hour or so we were chewing, blowing and popping bubbles.

Breanne just starting to get the gum in bubble blowing mode.

I found out Jacob tends to blow the tiniest bubbles.  But he still makes the girls jealous with those long lashes!

This is the face of my precious child who after me continuously repeating "chew it, do NOT swallow it!" swallowed his gum. 

We saw many different kinds of bubbles that day:

Large Bubbles

Medium Bubbles

Small bubbles.

Sometimes no bubble at all. 

 Sometimes though, we would see the perfect bubble.  That was when all the kids would awe over the bubble and laugh when another child would try and pop it.

Even Jacob blew a few that any kid would be proud of. 

All in all, we had tons of laughs and tons of fun all for the price of a pack of gum.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge

   This is my submission for the I Heart Faces Photo Challenge for Best Face in March.  It is a picture of my nephew Jacob.  He takes such great pictures that I can't help but love to photograph him.  His eyes always seem to be sparkling and I know girls everywhere are envious of his long eye lashes.  


Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Beginning

Well I have finally gotten around to starting a blog.  I have always loved reading other photographers blogs and enjoying all their treasured images but have never gotten around to creating one of my own.  So finally I have taken the plunge.  Be prepared to be bombarded with images of my adorable family because I am constantly stalking them with my camera!  So I will leave you with a favorite picture of the two men in my life: Lewis and Lincoln.